Web Scraping

Web scraping to efficiently extract data from various online sources, including websites, APIs, and databases.

Joining, merging, and harmonizing information from disparate sources and formats and integrating it into unified, high-quality datasets.

Machine Learning

Leveraging the power of predictive analytics to help clients anticipate and adapt to future trends. By combining historical data with real-time insights, I develop sophisticated forecasting models that provide a clear vision of what lies ahead.

Using natural language processing (NLP) capabilities and techniques like sentiment analysis, text classification, topic modeling, named entity recognition, and parts of speech tagging to extract deep insights from unstructured text data, uncover hidden patterns, classify content, and identify key entities and themes.

Data Analysis

Solving complex business problems and empowering clients to make strategic, data-driven decisions, by using advanced data analysis techniques, and generating actionable insights and tailored recommendations.

Utilizing exploratory data analysis (EDA) to delve deeply into the data, uncovering hidden patterns, relationships, and trends that drive business decisions.

Data Visualization

Generating visually appealing and insightful plots, charts, and graphs that effectively communicate complex data in a clear and concise manner.

Creating dynamic and interactive dashboards that enhance user experience, enable interactive exploration of data and facilitate deeper engagement.

Creating compelling data stories that communicate key findings and recommendations that empower informed decisions.


Web Scraping

Python (Requests, Tweepy, Beautiful Soup), HTML, CSS.

Machine learning

Scikit Learn, Tensorflow, Keras, NLP(NLTK, Spacy, Gensim)


Python (Seaborn, Matplotlib), Tableau, ggplot, Spreadsheets.


Python (Pandas, Numpy, StatsModels, Scipy), Spreadsheets, SQL.



Analyze Away


Loss function matters


Tags don't tire


A picture's worth 1000 words

Contact Me

Phone : +254728542793

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